Can't buy AirConsole hero sub.
Hello Everyone!
I am from Palestine, which is not supported by Google Play payment methods, which means I can't potentially use google pay, and for that when I try to subscribe to AirConsole hero, the app simply doesn't execute any process.
Even though, I have a valid PayPal account and Visa card.
I would like to subscribe, is there any way to make it possible?
Thanks, everyone.
Official comment
Hi Muhammad,
I am sorry to hear you have run into this issue! Right now the only possibility to buy AirConsole Hero is via the App Stores payment system. They manage our subscriptions. As this is over their system I am not an expert for special cases, when the credit card it not accepted and you would have to check with Google's customer support. As far as what I saw on Google info page, it should be possible via Visa card for countries that are not in the list above. A work around might be for you to get a digital gift card i.e. from Amazon and pay via this? Or is the whole Google services not available for you? I am sorry there is nothing more we can do.
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