You can create a personal profile in the AirConsole App, and use it to change your Nickname and your photo of your player avatar.
The profile enables you to keep track of your playing stats such as games played, biggest group size, longest streak and your friends. The games you have marked as favourites are also listed in there.
Your profile information is only stored in your App data. If you reinstall the App or change your device, your profile stats might not be able to be recovered.
Link to Hero
Your profile is not linked to an AirConsole Hero subscription; they are independent of each other. If you created a profile using Facebook, Google Account or Apple ID, you will not need it to buy or cancel your subscription. The Hero subscription will be linked to your App Store account, you will find more information here.
Change profile
To change your profile photo or nickname You can open the AirConsole menu on your smartphone and tap the button "Edit Profile".
Delete profile
To delete your AirConsole profile and all of your data you can open the AirConsole App. Go to the menu on top right and tab"Profile". Then click on the trashcan icon to delete your profile.
Attention: this will not cancel any active subscription. For that referrer to "Cancel AirConsole Hero".
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